













[1] Zhenhua Yang,Rui Pang,Xingqiang Shi,Engineering Magnetic Hybridization at Organic-Ferromagnetic Interfaces by CAdsorption Induced Fe(001) Surface Reconstruction,Journal of physical chemistry C, 119 (19)2015:10532–10537.(SCI)

[2] Zhenhua Yang, Zhijuan Zhang, Yalong Yuan, Yunqing Huang, Xianyou Wang ,Xiaoying Chen, Shuangying Wei ,A first-principle study of the effect of OH- doping on the elastic constants and electronic structure of HTB-FeF3.RSC advances,(6)(2016)75766-75776 .(SCI)

[3] Zhenhua Yang, Zhijuan Zhang,Yanjun Pan,Shu Zhao,Yunqing Huang, Xianyou Wang,XiaoyingChen,Shuangying Wei,First-principles investigation of the effects of Sbdopingon the LiNiO,Journalof SolidState Chemistry,224(2016)52-60(SCI)

[4] Zhenhua Yang,Shuncheng Tan,Zhijuan Zhang, Yunqing Huang,Xianyou Wang,First-principles studies of adsorption behavior for graphene nanosheet on Al-doped BiF(111) surfaces,Materials Chemistry and Physics,173 (2016)291-297.(SCI)

[5] Zhenhua Yang,Xianyou Wang,Yunqing Huang.First-principles study on the doping effects of Al in a-MnO.Current Applied Physics,15(11)(2015)1556-1561.(SCI)

[6] Zhenhua Yang,Shuncheng Tan,Yunqing Huang, Xianyou Wang,Yong Pei.First-principles study on doping effect of Sn in BiFas cathode materials for Li-ion battery.Current Applied Physics 16(2016)12-19. (SCI)

[7] Zhenhua Yang, Zhijuan Zhang, Yalong Yuan, Yunqing Huang, Xianyou Wang ,Xiaoying Chen, Shuangying Wei , First-principles study of Ti doping in FeF.0.33HO .Current Applied Physics 16(8)(2016) 905-913

[8] Zhenhua Yang, Yong Pei, Xianyou Wang, Li Liu, Xuping Su.First principles investigation of the effects of Bi vacancy on the magnetic, conductive and electrochemical properties of BiFComputational Materials Science 68 (2013) 117–120.(SCI)

[9] Zhe nhua Yang, Yong Pei,Shuncheng Tan,Xianyou Wang, Li Liu, Xuping Su.First-principles calculations of the vacancy defects in BiOF as cathode materials for Li-ion batteries.Computational Materials Science,74(2013)50–54(SCI)

[10] Zhenhua Yang,Yong Pei,Xianyou Wang ,Li Liu,Xuping Su.First principles study on the structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Co-doped FeF.Computational and Theoretical Chemistry 980 (2012) 44-48.(SCI)

[11] ZhenhuaYang,Xianyou Wang, Li Liu, Xuping Su.Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of FeFfrom first-principles calculations, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 22(2012) 286-390. (SCI)

[12] Zhenhua Yang, Xianyou Wang, Yong Pei , Li Liu , Xuping Su. Computational Materials Science 60 (2012) 212-216.(SCI)

[13] Zhenhu a Yang,Xianyou Wang,Xuping Su.First-principles investigation of cohesive properties and electronic structure in vanadium phosphides, Journal of Central South University of Technology J. Cent. South Univ . (2012) 19: 1796-1801.

[14] Zhenhua Y a ng,Xianyou Wang, Li Liu, Shunyi Yang, Xuping Su.Density functional theory studies on elastic and electronic properties of tetragonal ZnP.Solid State Sciences 13 (2011) 1604-1607. (SCI)

[15] Z henhua Y ang,Xianyou Wang,Li Liu,Shunyi Yang,Xuping Su. First-principles calculations on structural, magnetic and electronic properties of oxygen doped BiF.Computational Materials Science 50 (2011) 3131-3135. (SCI)

[16] Zhenhua Yan g, Li Liu, Xianyou Wang,Shunyi Yang,Xuping Su.Stability and electronic structure of the Co-P compounds from first-principle calculations. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) 165-171. (SCI)

[17 ]Li Liu, Fanghua Tian, Zhenhua Yang, Xingyan Wang, Meng Zhou, Xianyou Wang. Electrochemical behavior of nanostructured LiVOin aqueous LiNOsolution . Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 72 (2011) 1495 -1500.(SCI)





4.基於翻轉課堂的新能源材料與器件專業實驗教學模式研究,湖南省普通高校教學改革研究項目,2015-2018年 (主持)

5.新型鋰離子正極材料金屬氟化物摻雜改性的第一性原理研究(湖南省自然科學基金:12JJ6041) (主持)


7.鋰電池正極材料電子結構及性能的第一性原理研究(湖南省教育廳一般項目:09C945) (主持)

8.材料類專業實驗教學改革與實踐(湘潭大學第五批教改項目) (主持)

9.材料學科本科專業新型人才培養模式研究與實踐(湘潭大學第七批教改項目) (主持)



